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Your Challenge
We challenge our members to taste new wines, explore new regions, and expand their pallet. We do not shy away from pushing our members outside their comfort zone and getting them to taste wines they would never otherwise try.
Our Promise
We know it is a lot to ask people to pay for something without knowing what they'll get. That's why we have our value promise. We promise to deliver wines every month that are at least the £55 RRP you would pay in the shop.
It's between you and what's in the glass
At The Blind Wine Co, we know it can be a daunting task to learn about the world of wine. That's why we are all about empowering you to discover wines and regions that you like in a fun and interactive way. Our Blind Wine Club helps you discover your own wine world and delivers three unique wines every month for you to taste blind and rate. Because when it comes to wine, it's between you and what's in the glass.
Click here to learn more about our story.